Ginkgo Inj.

Ginkgo injections are known for their potential in addressing various neurovascular issues, owing to the extract’s vasodilating and antioxidant properties. These injections, formulated from Ginkgo biloba, are believed to aid in conditions linked to cerebral and peripheral blood flow deficiencies. They are often considered for patients experiencing cognitive decline, sensory disturbances, vertigo, tinnitus, and certain visual impairments. Moreover, due to Ginkgo’s purported anxiolytic and antidepressant qualities, these injections could also be explored for psychological disorders like anxiety and depression. Additionally, they may offer relief in cases of hearing complications, including sudden deafness or vascular-origin issues, by potentially enhancing blood circulation in the affected areas. However, it’s essential to note that any treatment should be undertaken under medical supervision, considering the individual’s health status and medical history.

Main Ingredients:
  • Ginkgo Biloba 17.5 mg of 1 ampule (5 ml )
Packing Units
  • 2ml x 25 ampule


Main Efficiencies:

  1. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Ginkgo Biloba X is reputed for its ability to support brain health, particularly by improving memory, attention, and processing speeds. It’s often utilized in cases of decreased intellectual ability, helping users maintain mental clarity.
  2. Neuroprotective Properties: The supplement offers neuroprotective benefits, safeguarding the nervous system’s integrity. It helps protect neural structures from oxidative stress and potentially slows the progression of neurodegenerative diseases.
  3. Circulatory Health Support: By promoting vasodilation, Ginkgo Biloba X enhances blood flow, particularly microcirculation in small capillaries, crucial for optimal brain function and systemic health.
  4. Vision Support: The formulation aids individuals experiencing vision impairment by supporting ocular blood flow. Its antioxidants also help defend against macular degeneration and other age-related eye issues.
  5. Antioxidant Potency: Ginkgo Biloba X combats systemic oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals, contributing to reduced inflammation and cellular aging.
  6. Tinnitus and Vertigo Management: Some individuals with tinnitus and vertigo have reported symptom relief with Ginkgo Biloba X, likely due to improved inner ear and cerebral blood flow.
  7. Mood and Anxiety Regulation: The supplement might have a beneficial impact on mood and anxiety levels, possibly due to its influence on neurotransmitter systems


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